
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Thursday, October 27, 2011

180 Movie

The 180 Movie is amazing! It is thought-provoking, intense, and very relevant. Please take the time to view this movie. It could forever change your perspective on a extremely important topic.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Considering Life and Death

In light of Steve Jobs’ recent passing, I wanted to say a few words on life…and death. First, my heart and prayers go out to Mr. Jobs’ family. I pray that they find comfort during this time of sadness. Steve Jobs helped change the face of our culture and how this generation functions. The increase in technology that he has brought us is phenomenal, and he has influenced many lives.

It is times like this, in the passing of someone we care about, that we take the chance to somberly reflect on life – the life of the person, and also our own lives. We remember what they did during their time in this world, and, perhaps, what they didn’t do. Were they successful? Did they chase their dreams or did they live with regrets? Did they live each day to the fullest? Did they make the most of their time? Did they get involved in questionable or wrong crowds or activities? Were they a joy to be around? Were they rude or annoying?

Then we continue on to think of our own lives. Are we successful? How is success even measured? Are we chasing our dreams or living complacently? How are we treating the people in our lives? Are we kind and loving? Do we tell those we love that we love them? Are we making the most of our time? What would happen to us if we died today? Perhaps, at this point, we will review our answers to these questions and see areas in our lives that have room for improvement.

However, the most pressing question on most of our minds is “What now?” What was the purpose for this person’s life? And what has happened to them now?

And again we question this of ourselves. What am I living for? Why am I even here on this earth? What is my purpose in life? Am I fulfilling it? And what will happen to me when I die?

These are some of the most important questions you can ask yourself. And even more important are the answers to these questions. This life is full of differing opinions and lots of questions. The answers seem few compared to the number of our wonderings. I remember desperately searching for the answers to these very questions. And there is honestly no peace without an absolute belief in the accuracy of your answers. I encourage you to take time to consider the questions in the above paragraph. Be honest. Search for the truth.

As a final thought, I will share my views on what happens to a person when he dies. I pray you will honestly discover your answers to this and the other questions. I hope you understand where you are in your life and firmly know what you believe.

I believe that when a person dies their soul goes one of two places – heaven or hell. We are all, by nature, guilty –sinners that will be judged by a Righteous God. We deserve hell, and without God, that is where we will go upon our death. We are all sinners and can only be saved by the grace of God and putting our faith in His Son Jesus Christ. Only by faith in God can we be sure that our destination after death will be heaven. Through Christ Jesus alone, I have assurance of my salvation, and I know that I have eternal life in Him.

If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. ~Romans 10:9

When God our Savior revealed his kindness and love, he saved us, not because of the righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He washed away our sins, giving us a new birth and new life through the Holy Spirit. He generously poured out the Spirit upon us through Jesus Christ our Savior. Because of his grace he declared us righteous and gave us confidence that we will inherit eternal life. ~Titus 3:4-7

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Today Is A Good Day

Hello, Everyone!

This is my first blog post. Today, my blog is born. So I will start by saying that today is a good day. I tell myself this every day. Although, many times, it does not feel true, I choose to believe it anyway. Life is difficult, but if you search hard enough, you can find something good everywhere. I encourage you today to look for the good in yourself, in others, and in every moment of your day - because it is there, whether you see it or not.

Believe that life is worth living and your belief will help create the fact.
~William James

Every man dies. Not every man really lives.
~William Wallace